Everlodge understands the problems within the current real estate market, this has allowed us to learn from the pitfalls of others whilst providing an amazing opportunity for our investors. Below you will see a list of problems within the current investment landscape.
Requiring legal documentation to purchase properties - This can create unnecessary hassle for investors especially those looking to purchase real estate in other countries
Taxes - Many smart investors aim to diversify their portfolio, the high taxes associated with the property market can often be off putting to these individuals
Banks & Mortgage Lenders - The current banking system makes it very difficult for individuals to acquire the necessary loans to purchase a property
High levels of Liquidity - The property market often requires a staggeringly high initial investment
High Fees - From agency fees to interest on mortgage payments the property market is littered with fees in many different forms
Paperwork - A huge amount of paperwork is required for any investor looking to purchase property, this can often be time consuming and costly
Maintenance of a property - Whether renting out to tenants or living in, properties require maintenance all year round
Dealing with tenants - This aspect of the market can be extremely stressful especially if you have tenants unwilling to pay their rents
Selling properties takes time - The average property takes 7 weeks to sell, for those looking to have instant liquidity this timeframe is often very unattractive
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